Thursday, October 22, 2009

And Laziness Continues...

So I like doing this whole lazy thing posting mostly one-shots and all, but you need a good long story to read as well. To make things easy, I will give you both. First giving you the one-shots (which will have the synopsis), then the story. 

And continue...
  1. First Day of School Esme has a hard time getting Edward out the door for school... C-
  2. If you didn't like the beginning of You've Kept Me Waiting this is a good one-shot for you...Resist B+
  3. Now We Wait Carlisle reunites with Edward after Renesmee’s birth. Missing moment from chapter 19 of “Breaking Dawn.” Short and sweet father and son scene. B+
  4. The Talk     Carlisle, I'm 103 years old. Do you really think I need to be getting the sex talk from you?
Okay, now on to the full book-like stories...
I read A Coming Of Age, the second No Longer Alone story before this one [it's AMAZING]. I haven't read the first FF but, the second is awesome. I love the whole Carlisle/Esme thing. They are such a cute couple. 

Carlisle and Esme's relationship develops gradually from the first day he sets her leg in Columbus until their wedding ten years later. Their love grows slowly as they learn to open up to each other and heal from past hurts.

Set 5 years after Carlisle and Esme's marriage, the continuing story of their love and growth and the internal struggles of Edward as he makes the decision to leave the family and try a different way of life.

And if you liked those, read the deleted scenes from them (has lemons): Carlisle and Esme: The Deleted Scenes

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