Have you ever wanted to venture off and read another pairing. Another one like JasperxBella? Or AlicexBella
One of my affiliates and one of my favorite authors agreed to do a little Q&A session with me. Check it out-
Enjorous, Author of The Siren's Song:
Why are you interested in Alice?
I'm interested in Alice because she always genuinely cared for Bella. That generally means that she never tried to enforce her will upon Bella. She's always seemed more compassionate to me compared to Edward (aka Sparkles.) In my opinion Sparkles gives the few men who still practice chivalry, of which I am one, a bad name, but I digress. What really intrigues me about her character in general is that Alice has no past prior to being a vampire. That means for the nineteen years she was a human nothing of her past exists to her. Having a tombstone and or a birth certificate would mean absolutely nothing to her because she's essentially an amnesiac. I've written a one shot to that effect titled "What's in a Past."
Movie Alice or book Alice?
Since I've only seen the first movie, for a film class not by choice, I'd have to say book Alice.
Physically, what's your favorite part of her? ;]
Hmm...I dunno, believe it or not I'm not your typical shallow guy. Shocking I know. But I'd have to say her eyes, only because that's the first thing I notice about a person.
Favorite AlicexBella fic(s)?
Lemme riff a short list: "Bella's" by Jocelyn Torrent, "The Edge " by Fembuck , "When the World is Dark " by Departed , and "Forever " also by Jocelyn Torrent.
Favorite pairing other than what you write?
With respect to Twilight, I normally stick to just Alice and Bella. But I find myself being pulled to Bella x Rosalie
Any new projects coming up?
Yes, I'm two chapters into a new story called "Ministry of Lost Souls" also a Bellice story. And The Siren's Song is still not done. And in the middle of that I'll probably write more chapters of "What's in a Past" exploring Alice a bit further.
With you writing about AxB, which one of those characters are the hardest writing about?
I find Alice much harder to write about, because I constantly and consciously have to fight against slipping into Alice's stereotypical persona. The always bright, always perky, shopaholic optimistic pixie that is so prominently displayed all over http://www.fanfiction.net. Because there is so much potential depth to her character. Because I once asked myself this question and it changed everything for me. "How does one stay happy and optimistic /all/ the time?"
The hardest part of your story that you've written?
Bar none the hardest thing about writing about women is that I'm a guy. I know it's the but of oh so many jokes but as a guy I've accepted and resigned myself to the fact that I do not now, nor will I ever understand the mind of the woman, and not a day goes by that when I'm writing I have a slew of questions for my best female friend on the subject. Though she denies it, I think it bugs her from time to time.
Enjorous decided to be original and make up his own question:
"Why are you writing Twilight fanfiction" Well, I'm glad you asked ;) I'm write it because I felt unsatisfied with everything I read. The ideas and the characters were well crafted, but in my opinion, an opinion which I think is shared by a lot of people on the fringe of the fandom, the execution fell flat. These BEAUTIFUL characters were given a handful of pages each to leave more room for the predictable and boring love story of the protagonists. So I write to give those fringe characters a chance to truly live.
Well, no, I'm glad you answered! Now let's see Cullen818's (she writes the Jasper's Faith, Love, and Hope trilogy) opinion:
Movie Jasper or book Jasper?
Physically, what's your favorite part of him? ;]
Favorite pairing other than what you write?
Any new projects coming up?