Monday, November 30, 2009


If you do not know what a 'V' is, it is the Roman Numeral for 5. 

So, this seems like a good way to show how it all started. 


"Though that single moment lasted less than a minute, its significance still rings throughout my being, tingling the fibers of my ever still body."

Four, maybe more?

Should I do more of these tiny things? I might. I dunno. 

So, I have said before, I like the dark stuff. But really dark. Almost to the point where I couldn't read it, even if the story is wicked short and a one-shot. disturbing. It will stay with you. I promise. 

"I lay there, with the after taste of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich on my tongue…"

Third time is a charm.

This one is very anti-Jacob. Well, duh. Its in Edward's POV, of course he is going to be rude towards Jacob. But I like my POVs, so....

Here is what the author has to say:

"This story is companion scene to the section of Eclipse where Edward goes to get Bella after she breaks her hand on Jacob’s face. I’ve always been a little disappointed by Edward’s extreme restraint in this scene, although when I thought it out I realized that of course he couldn’t lose his temper because either he or Jacob would end up dead. So I decided to go where the real action is—inside Edward’s head."

Minipost Numero 2. Por Favor.

Yeah, I know some Spanish. I know a bunch of things. Like that Carlisle would never get mad at Edward like he did in Explanations. But, that is what I love about fics. It can be OOC and that is just fine. 

"Edward and Carlisle both have some explaining to do."

Maybe, Maybe Not?

Have I posted Feather Fiasco yet? I am not so sure. I might of, but not sure. 

I know it is way past Halloween, but the 'Why am I covered in feathers?' inspired content of the story is pretty funny. 

All Bella wanted to know was why she was covered in feathers.

Oh, I will be doing mini-posts this afternoon. A lot of them, hopefully. 

Visits-start from 39