Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Being M.I.A. Is Fun, You Should Try It.

Toldya I am no good at this. I will try. Pinky swear?

Moving on, I am almost done with reading Waxing Crescent! Have you read it yet? I will swear again, you have to. 

Today, the theme is AH, or all human, and a few stories focused on Bree. 

Le's get to the AH first. Now, reading these are like reading just a regular book, no sci-fi or anything. It's an enjoyable break.
I gave you tis to begin with, since it is hard to get used to the characters as human beings. For me, at least, it is. 

Bree second. Bree, I honestly think the actress they picked for you is all wrong. The Jodelle girl looks younger than 14-16 while you are older than that. Aside from those facts, we readers need to know your backstory. Did Victoria bribe you with candy for you to come with her, like a creeper would? Or what if you didn't die in Eclipse? Find out:
  1. Bree's Story
  2. Mirror
  3. Struggle (Sequel to Mirror)

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