Thursday, October 1, 2009

Character Spotlight Thursday: Emmett:

So did you know that Emmett is great? Yes, no? Well, he is. 

Here is the reason why: 
This is so funny and I like laughing as well as Emmett. Put two and two together and we have this story. The way the author writes Bella is exactly how she would act, hell, I'd act like that too if Emmett caught the house on fire. 
When you do read this, don't read it at 11:00 at night because every soul in your house will be awake from you laughing so hard. 
What exactly will make you laugh so hard? 

"Emmett babysits Bella while the rest of the Cullen's go hunting. VERY funny." 

So there you have it, proof that this is VERY funny.     

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